I think the PS Studios presence will be Fairgame$, Ghost of Yotei (with release date), Days Gone Remastered and GoW 2018 Remastered.
On the 3rd party side of things my predictions are:
Capcom are choosing to highlight a 2026 game (Onimusha) in their event today so I think RE9 will be in State of Play (past few RE games were announced in Sony events)
Microsoft seems to be announcing PS5 ports at a fast rate now (today it was Age of Empires 2 and Age of Mythology) so I think Halo, Gears or Starfield will be in the State of Play.
Maybe something from Square Enix considering their upcoming lineup for 2025 is only the DQ1+2 remake at this point?
Phantom Blade Zero seems a safe guess
Sony had the marketing for Sonic X Shadow Generations so maybe a first look at gameplay for the new Sonic Racing game?
MGS Delta with a release date seems a safe guess
A bunch of PSVR2 games
Possibly Fantasy Life i though I think instead there'll be a release date reveal in a Nintendo Direct with PS version confirmed outside the Direct
@Grumblevolcano I don't see SE using State of Plays anymore. It really does feel like that relationship is quite bad right now. I can see Square having a huge presence at Nintendo events.
Sega and Capcom yes I can definitely see a presence. Microsoft too. I think Marathon may have something but Bungie usually has its own thing.
@breakneck I still expect Square at Sony events. I don't think their relationship is bad; Square is just going to do what they should always have done, and that is to make everything multiplatform.
Reason why I wouldn't expect Square is that they don't have that many games releasing soon.
(Oh, and Marathon was announced at a Sony event. I personally think it's too soon)
@breakneck Square Enix used all 3 platform holder events for announcements in the August/September event period:
August Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase - Reminder of DQ3 remake's existence
September State of Play - Release date of Fantasian Neo Dimension
September Xbox TGS event - Announcement of 2 Mana games for Game Pass, a deeper look at DQ3 remake and announcement for FF pixel remasters for Xbox
So I think they'd use 4 events in the February - April period (a February Nintendo Direct, a February State of Play, the April Switch 2 Nintendo Direct, there's probably a March Xbox Partner Preview).
PH Brazil recently claimed that the State Of Play will be held on Feb 14.
Interesting if true, I don’t think they’ve ever held one on a Friday. Am hoping it’s extra special if such is the case, but it would likely be for something logistical or bound to some marketing bump for Western fans if this is how they’re proceeding - as opposed to “Happy Valentine’s Day, dear fans!”
@Enriesto I don't buy that it would be on a Friday.
I can't even recall there ever being a presentation by one of the big three on a Friday... ever. It sounds like they're going off the Nate tweet, and claiming it as their own "inside information".
I believe they've been wrong about the Switch 2 reveal about fifteen times too. It's a fake source.
@Enriesto@Herculean I checked and apart from the Demon's Souls State of Play in 2020 which took place on a Saturday, it's always been Monday - Thursday for State of Play/PS Showcase. Considering Friday is the generally the day to announce bad news, I don't see it happening on February 14th. Also Sony's earnings report is on February 13th so I think they'd want to have a State of Play before then.
February 11th or 12th feels the most likely chance for a State of Play next week.
@Grumblevolcano@Herculean I'd wager my funds on Feb. 12, and am of course skeptical of the Friday proposition by PH Brazil. I'm of the opinion as you guys are that the Nate comment ("What does your heart tell you?") was referring to the week's timeline aligning with Valentine's Day, not the day itself.
As for bad news? Apparently some lay offs have already taken place at some SIE locations, so I think that's what we're sadly in for tomorrow as an official announcement from Sony before they ease things away into their next SOP.
Topic: Next Playstation Showcase/SOP
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